(+61 3) 9742 3113 support@ttw.institute

Coaching for Leaders & Managers

When leaders grow, the whole organisation benefits

Leaders often stand alone with few people they can turn to for advice and support who would understand their needs. The challenges of leadership are great and when leaders rise to meet these challenges they pave the way for the organisation to flourish and grow.  Supporting leaders to address these challenges in sustainable ways benefits individuals reporting to them which can be experienced throughout the entire organisation creating a flow-on effect which positively affects the bottom line.

To get real life results for you and your business, one of our coaches will work with you to discover your challenges and provide advice and support in solving those problems and turning them into opportunities for ongoing accelerated growth and development.

Like everyone else, we only have limited time, and we prefer to only work with clients and people who are serious about their professional growth. Given this is the case, if you are not serious about your personal development as a leader or ready to take the necessary next steps, then this program is not for right for you at this time.

What People Are Saying

Committed to learning and developing

When you want to learn and develop, how great to do so from someone so committed to learning and developing themselves. Jennifer walks the talk. Her passion for getting results is palpable and she delves intelligently and diligently into the field with benefits for us all.

Dr Louise Mahler

Director, Louise Mahler and Author of 'Resonate'

Become the best they can be

Jennifer is an outstanding leader in the areas of coaching and training. She has helped so many people to not only achieve their goals and dreams, but also to help them become the best they can be, truly high performers.

John Mealia

Director, My Emergency Management

Invaluable mentoring

Jennifer’s mentoring has been invaluable to me in honing my training skills. She is an inspirational trainer who motivates, inspires and encourages everyone to find their strengths and hone their skills. She has mastered both the art and science of training both in specific topics, and in training those who train others.

Jo Cronin

Change Manager, National Australia Bank

Let's Chat


Do You Need Help?

If you are seeking any support for your organisation's learning and development needs, we'd love to chat and explore how we can help.

This is a totally complimentary and no-obligation service, so book a time that suits you.